
The issue of Brexit and its consequences for French wines is at the heart of the new Rendezvous Mytik Diam.

8 June 2016

The new RDV Mytik organised by Diam Bouchage brought together more than 70 owners from emblematic Champagne houses in the region at the Gabrielle Dorziat theatre in Epernay.

For this new meeting, a theme at the heart of current events: the possible exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union and its consequences for French wines. Several leading figures were brought together to discuss Brexit and the consequences that will eventually be imposed throughout Europe following the British referendum the 23rd of June.

  • Elie Cohen, economist, director of research at CNRS, professor at Sciences Po and author of numerous articles and works on the industrial economy.

  • Ghislain de Montgolfier, former president of Bollinger, the Champagne Houses Union, AGEV/Union Properties and Brands Wine Committee and co-chair of the Inter-professional Champagne Wine Committee.

  • Benoît Collard, Executive Director at Piper-Heidsieck since October 2015. He has previously participated in the development of luxury brands in France and abroad for Moët Hennessy and Rémy Cointreau.

The intervention of Elie Cohen produced a complete inventory of commercial and financial links between the European Union, France and the UK. The opportunity for this renowned economist to detail the different consequences of Brexit.

The testimonies of professionals, Ghislain de Montgolfier and Benoit Collard, addressed the issues concerning beverages and the consequences for brands and the Champagne industry. A valuable analysis to better anticipate the risks or opportunities and the attitude to adopt in view of this major event.

During the closing lunch, the owners of the grand Champagne houses and prestigious winemakers present commented on the selection of their wines sealed with Mytik Diam that were available for tasting.

Every year, the Rendezvous Diam unites those responsible for the emblematic Domains and Houses and Diam Bouchage customers in each wine region, under the banner of a club of excellence, offering them the opportunity to interact with specialist speakers, experts and figures of international stature at a prestigious venue.

Diam Bouchage provides its customers with a unique occasion: accessing information on strategic subjects of major interest that is otherwise difficult to find and assists them in better understanding their environment and market.